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Religious Education

Having children and young adults fill our church is a blessing. As Fr. Lito says “The sound of a baby’s cry in the church is the sound of life and hope, for they are the future of the church.” We embrace the families of young children and we support them through religious education. We believe the single most important gift a parent can give to each child is the gift of faith. It is the only gift that will serve them throughout their entire lifetime and it is something they, as parents, can pass onto their children. Being a parent is an awesome responsibility and our Religious Education program is designed to help parents in their efforts to fulfill that responsibility. We want to partner with you to give your children a solid foundation based on loving our Lord Jesus.


Religious Education Registration Form- click here

Religious Education Grades Pre-K - 7


Religious Education at St. Raphael Church, grades Pre-K - 7 on Sundays, in person and/or virtually from 11:15 am - 12:15 pm is open to all children who register. Experienced Catechists, who have been certified in the Archdiocesan program “Protecting God’s Children”, teach classes with the help of aides (who can be adult as well as young adults who have been Confirmed). All children are encouraged to attend. Aides are available to provide a one-on-one experience for children who would benefit from this partnering.


Our Sunday session begins with group learning sessions which explore Catholicism, through participation in discussions about elements of our Faith. Lessons include the Rosary, prayer, the stories of our Saints and Bible stories from both the Old and New Testaments. The children also learn from active participation in games, Bible plays, community service, and our yearly Nativity Pageant. Parents and family are encouraged to come to the learning sessions and plays, as well as to stay for a cup of coffee and socialize with each other during the class times. More formal classes follow the learning sessions and are designed to teach the children about the life of Jesus, and His relationship to God the Father and the Holy Spirit. The concepts are also reinforced through Bible stories, crafts, worksheets, games, video, and other creative channels.


Religious Education Grade 8 (Confirmation Preparation)


For eighth graders, religious education instruction is for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes take place on Wednesday evenings, beginning in September, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Confirmation takes place the following Fall when they become 9th graders and complete the Confirmation retreat and community service requirements. The program and requirements are meant to encourage the students to continue to become active members of the church, be involved in parish life, and participate in community service after they have been fully confirmed. 


Confirmation registration form

STRJYM Youth Group Ministry Grades 9 - 12

Currently Suspended


Sister Parishes St. Raphael's in Livingston and St. Joseph in West Orange, NJ have joined together to provide our teens a safe and fun environment to grow in their faith and learn what it means to be part of a larger family and discover new ways to give back to their communities.


Through out the year, our Youth Ministry STRJYM will work together with other ministries in both our Parishes through Community reach out programs to help those less unfortunate to know the love of God.


Click Here to Visit our Youth Group's Page


We are a close knit, diverse, and welcoming Catholic community within the Archdiocese of Newark, living the mission of Christ. Parishioners serve the Lord by serving one another through our faith and sharing the resources and energy of the Holy Spirit.


St. Raphael Parish
346 E Mount Pleasant Ave
Livingston, NJ 07039


Telephone: (973) 992-9490



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