Our parish has a variety of ministries that reflect our belief that, as members of the Body of Christ, we are, as Christ is, Priest, Prophet, and King. As Priests, we lead and participate in worship and evangelization; as Prophets, we teach; as Kings, we serve.
P R I E S T ~ W O R S H I P
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Ministry Head: Isabel Regala
Charter / Mission:
The Altar Linen Ministry provides clean linens to be used in the celebration of the Mass. Members take turns picking up soiled linens each week from the Sacristy, laundering them according to church-established procedures that reflect their use in the Mass, and returning them to the Sacristy.
A l t a r L i n e n
M i n i s t r y
Point of Contact: Ken Larivee
Charter / Mission:
The Altar Servers Ministry provides the opportunity to participate in the celebration of the Mass in a hands-on manner, serving the Presider and representing the parishioners. Children who have received their First Communion and older children are welcome to join the team.
A l t a r S e r v e r s
Head of Ministry: Denise Flanagan
Charter / Mission:
The Children’s Liturgy of The Word (CLOW) Ministry provides a wonderful avenue for children to appreciate and comprehend the Word of God at their level of understanding. We meet with the children at the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, during the Liturgy of the Word portion of the Mass.
C h i l d r e n 's L i t u r g y
o f t h e W o r d (C L O W)
E x t r a o r d i n a r y
M i n i s t e r s o f
H o l y C o m m u n i o n (EMHC)
Head of Ministry: Karol Purcell
Charter / Mission:
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (or Eucharistic Ministers) are trained to assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass and clean the sacred vessels after Mass, as well as to bring the Eucharist to the homebound, nursing home residents, and hospital patients.
L a y F a i t h
S h a r i n g M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Kristen Carrotto, Anna Miranda, and Caroline Ilogienboh
Charter / Mission:
The Lay Faith Sharing Ministry meets, via ZOOM, to pray and reflect together on scripture and other materials available from FORMED. We hold weekly meetings during Lent and Advent, and several other series during the rest of the year. Meeting times and topics are published in the bulletin, and ZOOM links emailed, via email blast to the entire parish, prior to each event.
L e c t o r M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Karen Kundla
Charter / Mission:
Lectors are proclaimers: presenting, with feeling, the Word of God to give the Word its full and true value in today’s world. We need parishioners who will not just read the words but will use their God-given skills to deliver the Word into reality for all.
Head of Ministry: Ted & Sharon Acero,
Marita Alarva
Charter / Mission:
The Liturgical Environment Ministry creates a spiritual atmosphere of reverence, where parishioners can encounter and glorify God through the Liturgies throughout the Liturgical Year.
L i t u r g i c a l
E n v i r o n m e n t
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Ralph Bonanno
Charter / Mission:
The Music Ministry works to support our community’s Sunday and seasonal liturgy by helping the assembly make a joyful noise to the Lord within the context of our Roman Catholic tradition. We welcome singers - adults and children - as well as instrumentalists.
M u s i c M i n i s t r y
U s h e r s M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Joe Lanni and VIncent Vitiello
Charter / Mission:
Members of the Usher Ministry are the first face of our parish family to those attending services in our church. They greet, assist parishioners with special needs, assist with the Offertory collection and ensure that the gifts of Bread and Wine are presented to the Presider at the Offertory.
P R O P H E T ~ T E A C H
B a p t i s m
P r e p a r a t i o n
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Denise Flanagan
Charter / Mission:
The Baptism Preparation Ministry meets with parents who desire to have their children baptized into the Catholic Faith, to prepare them for the role they will play in the lives of their child as a member of the Family of God.
Head of Ministry: Walter Mollineaux
Charter / Mission:
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Ministry is a team that works with non-baptized adults and already baptized adults from other Christian faiths, who seek information about the Catholic faith and baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation.
R i t e o f C h r i s t i a n
I n i t i a t i o n f o r
A d u l t s M i n i s t r y
C o n f i r m a t i o n
P r e p a r a t i o n
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Ken Larivee
Charter / Mission:
The Confirmation Preparation Ministry members prepare our 8th and 9th graders to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The program is a year-long period of preparation which focuses on the commitment that these young people will make to move from a parental-guided Faith to one of self-commitment. We are looking for people to help with that process.
Head of Ministry: Denise Flanagan & Mary Gayle Scheper
Charter / Mission:
The Religious Education Ministry members provide children from grades 1-7 with an understanding of our Catholic Faith through knowledge of the Bible and the teachings of the Church. We are looking for people over 17 years of age to help teach our children.
R e l i g i o u s
E d u c a t i o n
M i n i s t r y
P r e - C a n a
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Joe & Diane Kratzer
Charter / Mission:
The Pre-Cana Ministry works with engaged couples to prepare them to receive the sacrament of Marriage and to live happily and successfully in their marriage. The Ministry team provides a Pre-Cana Retreat twice a year, offering a day of immersion in the topics of special interest to those embarking into married life.
H i g h S c h o o l
Y o u t h M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: TBD
Charter / Mission:
The High School Youth Ministry or the "Youth Group", is a joint ministry of St. Raphael, St. Joseph, and Our Lady of Lourdes Parishes. Its members come together to unify the youth of their communities with the goal of making a difference by living out their Catholic faith every day. Youth can participate in games, discussions, presentations, social events, service opportunities and more. Meetings are held on several Sundays at 7PM in St. Joseph Parish Center Gym.
See the calendar or main page of
the web site for dates.
K I N G ~ S E R V E
Head of Ministry: Vincent Vitiello
Charter / Mission:
Collection Counters work directly with the Pastor to organize, record, and count weekly and special collections. The counters work on the process after each Mass, and provide completed financial forms to the Parish Bookkeeper. Team members serve 3-4 hours, one weekend a month as part of the team.
C o l l e c t i o n
C o u n t e r s
M i n i s t r y
C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Mary Gayle Scheper & Pablo Chacon
Charter / Mission:
The Communications Ministry has as its goal to provide communications to parishioners of all ages, as well as the local community, drawing on communication tools that they use in everyday life: email, parish bulletin, parish website, Facebook, and local newspapers.
G a r d e n i n g
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Karen Kundla
Charter / Mission:
Gardening Ministry members create an outdoor environment for the church that reflects the beauty of God’s creations. The environment is maintained weekly during the spring and summer, and updated semi-annually during the Parish Work Days.
S t . J o s e p h
M a i n t e n a n c e M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Joe Lanni & Frank Fusaro
Charter / Mission:
The Maintenance Ministry is a team of DIY parishioners who perform minor repairs within the parish plant/facility at a minimal cost, whenever possible. We work on many of the maintenance tasks during the two Parish Work Days.
L o a v e s & F i s h e s
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Anna Miranda
Charter / Mission:
Loaves and Fishes Ministry members offer a weekly meal – purchased or home-made - to parishioners who are in need due to illness – acute or chronic – or because of other family stress. We are looking for cooks and potential recipients.
Head of Ministry: Edward Kelly
Charter / Mission:
The Knights of Columbus is a Fraternal Benefit Society open to any Catholic male, age 18 and older. Our goal is to support our Parish, helping to make it more active and thriving, and to encourage more men to join the Knights.
K n i g h t s o f
C o l u m b u s
Head of Ministry: Anna Miranda
Charter / Mission:
The Prayer Shawl Ministry creates baptismal blankets, shawls, lap robes, and other garments. These are given to those in need of a gesture of compassion and peace, to the newly baptized, to those that are grieving, and those who are needy. Knitters and crocheters, and those who are willing to learn, are welcomed to join.
P r a y e r S h a w l
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Mary Soriano
Charter / Mission:
The Social Concerns Ministry at St. Raphael's parish is also known as "SAC"- Samaritans Always Care. The ministry runs programs that assist the less fortunate, both individuals and families, within the area, in a variety of ways. SAC will also provide assistance to any person or group within the parish that wishes to run similar programs.
S a m a r i t a n s
A l w a y s C a r e
R e a c h O u t
M i n i s t r y
Point of Contact: Parish Office
Charter / Mission:
The Reach Out Ministry has as its goal to recognize the special times in the lives of the parish family: births, weddings, special anniversaries, and losses. Let us know about the significant times in your life so we can celebrate with you as your parish family.
S u n s h i n e
M i n i s t r y
Head of Ministry: Charlie & Diana Quinn
Charter / Mission:
The Sunshine Ministry writes a special note each month to up-lift parishioners who are sick or home-bound, based on our Parish Prayer List. We are looking for additional members to help write the monthly notes. We accept donations of “Thinking of You” cards.